CheshireCatSmile37 Art (
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A request I finished for someone on dA of her night elf druid, KasaniI’m so rusty drawing anything other than draenei…ugh!
Holy cow. I got a request. Doodlin’ away!I don’t know what I’m doing
I forgot to put her hair in a ponytail…oopsAnd her head is like humongousAnd her hands…It’s just a really really rough sketch, there
I hate marketing class…
I suck at color palettesAnd being creativelolwutarcolorcombos If there’s any that you like, feel free to comment with the number (1-12)1 being the original
What an amazing gift I logged on to!Den drew Madii in her new outfit!!I’m so excited, holy cow. I love his art, he’s one of my top favorite artists!And he’s so nice and actually draws stupid Madii and makes her look amazing!! Go look
Madii pouting about…something…Who knows, she’s just a big baby
cheshirecatsmile37: “Makin’ outfitsMakin’ Madii outfits Take some leatherAnd I’ll make Madii some outfits” I don’t know… One of these days I’m going to notice where I’m posting before I post…
There is a girl in my graphic design class that always does some stunning drawingsdesignstoobutilikeherdrawingsmoreAnd she always goes on deviantART before classAnd I just kind of creep in the background and try to figure out who she is on thereBecause
cheshirecatsmile37: I don’t know what to make her wear…notthatilleverreallyfinishthislawl
Happy Hallow’s End!-♥-Madii
lolwatarcostuums So Den said I should make Madii wear some pumpkin armor for Halloween…I suck at fashion, especially armor…So here’s 2 sketches of ‘pumpkinwear’The second concept is based on Den’s description of his
cheshirecatsmile37: Gonna dress Madii up in some Halloween costumes laaaawl Stupid instagram, I want the pictures to be over here kthxBut yeah…Trying to figure out a costume to put Madii in for a Halloween drawing
An aimless sketch that looked too young to be MadiiSo it’s little Madii…lolpretendshehasclothesonwhatareclothes Maybe one day I’ll finish thisAnd give her clothesAnd the bow she’s suppose to be holding
Something I started out pretty determined to finishThen rather quickly abandoned itforever a wip
WellThis is my crap sketch dump, afterall!Have Madii in a bunny suit
Madii hit 90 last nightSo I decided to force myself to finish a sketch for once!It’s extremely sloppy…but I wanted something to document the occasion
cheshirecatsmile37: Madii, what chu doin’ starin’ at that poorly drawn badonkadonk (Taken with Instagram) Gotta reblog myself because Instagram won’t share to here…and I’m too lazy to scan crap
There! Actually finished that WIP I just posted!Of course, I just stuck to basic flat colors…I suck at shading Nasyaa! My little Troll Druid on WoW
A WIP that hopefully I end up finishing…The body just won’t cooperate with me =.=I hid the rough lines underneath to make it look nicer I made a troll druid on a new server to play with a friend on dAHer name is Nasyaa…I don’t
A pretty crap sketch that I’ll probably never finish of myself and Madii at the beach making sandcastles. Why I like to doodle Madii with her gamer, I have no idea…But she would definitely build a pretty BA sandcastle.
Ugh, finals week…Who thought putting all of our finals in one week!?And multiple finals in one day, at that!Ugh, finals week!
This week is finals week. After Wednesday, I’ll be done with this semester and back in Canada!This summer is going to be a busy summer. Wedding planning, internship, work, etc. etc…So I see very little time to draw or finish a drawing.I inten
Hey look! That’s the picture MapleMoon drew of Madii and Shasta! ♥D'aw, Madii. You look so much better when someone else draws you.
Oh bejeezus, she replied to me. She said my comment was cute*dies again*‘Kay! Fangirling excitement done! Moving along!!
Oh my goodness…I can finally relate to all those posts I see on Tumblr about one of your favorite artists liking something you drew…Oh my goodness…*dead* Check her out!!
Madii acting cutesy…Now with gear!!lolwhatisacrossbow have a lame bow instead
I usually hate my own drawings but…Madii’s face! XD Good lord. Part of a little ‘comic’ I was drawing out…Then I realized I can’t draw my Worgen.
Chubby little Madii ready for summer.Dem hambones
God, this was going to be Madii acting cutesy in her actual gear…Then I Le Pen’d her body forgetting I was missing her crossbow and armor…So I just BS’d the rest and gave up ;.; Those legs! Those hands! Oh god…
Finished up that Madii sketch…and tried to make her look less derpy, but that was a fail ;.;
A sort of gift for a friend who is always so nice to me…I’ll finish it one day. His Draenei, Deniya, giving my Draenei, Madii, “lessons” on how to be sexy…Because Madii is awkward and doesn’t know how to be hawt XDbew
I haven’t played WoW in forever…So I got the great idea of drawing my Draenei, Madii, trying to ‘seduce me’ back to playing…Oh, Madii, put your clothes back on, dear.
I want to draw my Tumblrmore self too!!I’m in Hufflepuff…Which, surprisingly, seems to be the Tumblr famous house. I’m AccioIce12227 if anyone wants to add me.
ITPUTSTHELOTIONONITSSKIN!! Trying desperately to get away from drawing just headshots/busts…And trying to draw not-stick-thin-anorexic-models… I failed at both.
Just doodling…I decided to draw my friend XD
Testing out another style and playing with expressions…because I suck at facial expressions.
Moar styles!Testing out more styles => drawing myself => drawing myself…in wedding dresses :3
Yet another little doodle…Trying for consistency, but it’s just not happening.
My part of an art trade on dA, her draenei (Taani) and a Night Elf.
Tried so hard to make this look alright…Then I got to the face…and got so frustrated trying to make it look right that I just gave up. Reference photo:
More wedding stuff and more full body practice.
Just can’t steer away from my “shark chibis”…Or wedding stuff.
More practice and just playing around…Graphic design is serious business (that I wish I never switched into). failhandsarefail…failcomputerpartsarefail…
A small request from a friend of his OC Nickie.
Whatisanatomy…Moar practice!
I finally scanned in some sketches I’ve done over the past 3 months…Still practicing different styles…
Decided to finish that sketch of Madii since it seems to be getting a bit of attention.
Too lazy to draw shirt…Naked anatomically-incorrect chest, baa!
I decided I would try Madii in this “new style”…She looks terrifying.
Working on anatomy… Reference: