Chaste Bob's Orgasm Denial Journey (
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He hasn’t got it on yet. She’ll have him in regret soon enough.
Lucky guy, not many can so precisely determine when the seed was planted.
Maybe too well.
Word of caution to teasers everywhere - those signs are not 100% full proof, even for the same male, so take it slow and cautious.
Ah, of course, another lawyer.
When we were first starting out with T&D my wife actually said this to me. Made me hard almost instantly - “she’s getting it!” I thought.
I guess the answer would have to be “no” to both, or I would have to be pretty stupid for doing it with that certain knowledge.
A bon mot for those old enough to remember and be fans of a 50’s TV show. Come to think of it, Eve Arden was something of a strong woman for the times and setting and one of my early pre-adolescent crushes. I wonder … does that say somethin
Look at the size of that book!
The whole idea of big organization of the kink turns me on, probably why I keep up captions like this.
I’m guessing this was an unplanned port of call, at least by him.
I do love the vintage photos.
CB added in Photoshop
Or using them.
Her first time.
Thanks, I was doing pretty good at forgetting that, till you mentioned it. But that was the plan all along, wasn’t it?
Could we make it any more difficult?
I added the CB (like I always do) but him wearing the “cape” immediately inspired this caption.
The sign behind her says “Gentlemen will kindly ensure that their chastity devices are securely worn at all times. Thank you The Management” Look closely and you’ll see this sign in other nude chastity resort captions of mine.
Helluva deal. I would think the bars on a CB2000 could actually magnify the sun under them. But I’ve never worn mine out like that, and now use a CB6000.
So it’s an all night cramming session, eh?
Another game for the girls.
Another male making assumptions and getting in over his head.
I got my mind right, Boss.
I think she means business.
I might be here a long time.
I do love this game.
Interesting reading.
He knows.
Not getting enough blood to the brain?
Well, did it make a difference? ;-)
I know an all night justice of the peace.
Anonymous Submitted
And now the cruel reality dawns.
Some how that actually does make sense to me. I’ll honor my instructors.
A couple of takes on the idea of stamina. Clearly you want to be in the first contest.
Probably fill her study in the first day of posting it here. I’d be willing to be part of it.
This is the place I want to go when I’m old.
And when they can no longer keep up that level of production? …
Where does the line start?
I know a lot of us would like to see this sign for real, but I did Photoshop it into this reality.
One serious lady.
I can’t imagine this will take too long.
Hope springs eternal.
Can we say DTHD?
I do, I know which way.
Perhaps, unless he’s highly motivated…. ;-)