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Somethin’ I’ve been messin round with, still gotta do backgrounds and such. I’m gonna splash ink on the Pinkamine slides. FUNFUNFUN
From the new Hasbro game on their website File name: “DH_Definately_Canon” This shall lead to many great things
ooooh man
i would say something about tmi tuesday
dovne said: is it on a white background, because if it is you can put the layer on top and set it to multiply. i dunno, it kind of works for me when similar problems happen in photoshop But then i’ve still got the messy sketch stuff underneath
…or when you realize that the sketch layer isn’t transparent like you thought it was, and erasing doesn’t help at all since it’s all compressed and the magic wand tool is doing nothing, so you’ve gotta re-ink it? ok yeah
so you know that moment when you get really far inking a big picture, then accidently press the button that merges down your ink layer and your sketch layer, and the resulting large action causes SAI to crash but automatically save the change so that