Blog: blaster

tags: teen titans, kill la kill, ryuko matoi, ryuko matoi cosplay, kitten, starfire, nui harime, dc, trigger, toddabella, sexy girl, loli, goth, illustration, todd l. milhouse
toddabella: Vs! Kitty Harime Here is my fifth entry of my TT/KLK crossover Teen La Titanz! Meet Kitten! Remember in that episode of Teen Titans A Date with Destiny? Yeah, that’s her! And she’s been Kill La Killed as Nui Harime. Nui was the girl who
tags: teen titans, kill la kill, ryuko matoi, ryuko matoi cosplay, kitten, starfire, nui harime, dc, trigger, toddabella, sexy girl, loli, goth, illustration, todd l. milhouse