Bimbos. Submission. Expansion. Pangender. (
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‘How did I never notice him before?“ Tiffany thought to herself as she stared unabashedly at her work partner. They had worked together for years, but his feelings were never reciprocated. Not until he had finally convinced her to listen to
They were definitely getting bigger, but it was the least of Helen’s concerns right now. She just needed relief. But no matter how many times she got herself off, it wasn’t releasing any tension. She just pictured getting fucked harder by
“I need my Daddy to fuck me,” my girlfriend said to me over Skype as I just stared. We had had a giant fight and I had called her flat because I knew she was insecure about it. I had Skyped her to apologize, but I was stunned when my girlfrien
Sandy practiced her moves in front of the mirror. She was still in disbelief at how fast and easy her natural breast enhancement procedure went. In fact, she couldn’t even remember booking the appointment, but she knew for sure that she wanted them.
“How’s this?” My best friend’s sister asked me. She had been ordered to not leave the couch and to only think about making her boobies grow really big for a few hours. Of course, it was the Bimbo Spray doing the work, but a few
“It’s working SO well!” Carol exclaimed “Who knew that a gay guy knew the perfect natural breast growth method?”“Oh I’m not gay,” I sneered, “and I wouldn’t exactly call it natural.”“
“It’s you, isn’t it?” My daughter scowled at me.“Of course it is, baby. What, don’t you like it?”“I can’t believe I felt sorry for you when Mommy - I mean when Mom - left you.”“Aw, you
New batch coming soon
boobgrowth: Even though her tits were already comically massive due to an experimental procedure, Kylie continued to massage her tits in the hopes of growing them - she just couldn’t be big enough.
“Wh-what do you mean that you’re the reason my tits have been getting so big? You’re my boyfriend, not a magician.”“I just wasn’t satisfied, baby. You make me so happy, but your flat chest just wasn’t enough
“Look!” Alice said, flashing her unsuspecting brother, Ian. Her boyfriend had been slipping her bimbo pills, but didn’t know what he was doing. He had no idea that because of her proximity to her brother that he would become her Daddy.
John had yet to find a woman who could handle his huge Alpha Cock, so he worked hard to gain entrance into his local League of Daddys and eventually got admitted after a few years. He went straight to his mother without remorse. He had always thought
Madison woke up suddenly, her head still in a dream-like fog. She had been having a horrible dream. She dreamt that her ex-boyfriend had drugged her and taken her away and changed her. She had been flat in her dream. Flat and - ugh - intelligent. She
Hitomi Tanaka is an inspiration to everybody. Her massive tits has led her into a perfect life of bimbo slutdom. She knows that she is nothing but a giant pair of tits and succumbing to that knowledge has made her happier than she ever had been before.
“Pl-please Daddy, what was that? I need to feel that again, Daddy.”“It was a special spray, dummy,” I told the near stranger, “and it’s very expensive. It caused your mind to go blank with lust and your flat chest to
“You were right after all, Daddy. I’m so glad you gave us that medicine. Me and my - ooo - sister get along so much better now that we have these big boobies and are allowed to play with your big Daddy Dick.”“I know I was right,
Maddie wondered why she had never noticed her husband’s best friend before. Being with him just made life seem more simple. She liked the way she fucked when she was with him. She like how her tits looked bigger. She liked how she forgot about her
Stephanie felt her tits grow with every bob of her head. It was actually working. What she didn’t know was that it wasn’t just a breast growth hormone that was released when she sucked Jacob’s Cock, it was an intelligence draining hormon
I had even given this dumb whore a second chance. Maybe she had just been rude to me last time because she had a bad day. But this time the service was even worse. I performed a quick Turn on her, made sure to make her tiny tits huge, and then fucked
Nora was a good mother, really, she was. Who cares if she fucked her son every once in a while? …Or every few hours? He was a healthy and horny male and plus, he had an incredible Cock. Plus, he would cook for her all the time. In fact, that’
It was getting too easy. I found this girl on Craigslist. She was obviously lonely and horny but didn’t want more than just some cuddling in order to play it safe. I played the part and made sure she was comfortable before releasing the Bimbo Spray
“Ohhh, there’s my Daddy,” my daughter cooed at me. I was in shock. I had drawn the Bimbo Bath for myself in order to grow my Cock bigger and increase the potency of my pheromones and I had been distracted by a call from The League. I
“See? I could never do that before!” Karen told her boyfriend over Skype.“You never used to get naked on webcam either,” Tim replied, his stomach dropping. He loved how quickly and big his girlfriend’s tits were growing and
The girl across the hall had ignored me for years. I had never cared, though. She didn’t seem interesting to me with her loud phone calls and louder parties. And I was never attracted to her flat little body. But once the test came along to be induc
Kevin had the time of his life playing with his awful racist landlord now that he had finally slipped her Bimbo Juice. He was now living rentfree and made extra money off renting this horny bimbo out. He planned to grow her tits even bigger, even though
Tina felt her tits grow with every thrust. She had seduced her ex-husband in hopes of getting more money from him, but had actually played right into his hand. She was minutes away from being his newest bimbo acquisition and wouldn’t notice until
Lauren barely noticed that she had just taken a selfie exactly like the kind she always used to make fun of. Something had just changed within her when her breasts had had their late and massive growth spurt the past few months. She had always thought
Tommy didn’t hesitate to use his first score of Bimbo Pills on his mother. He had been told to think carefully, but he went home right away and ground the whole bottle into his mother’s dinner. The next day she was already looking exactly
Olivia sent her boyfriend the most recent picture. She was excited about just how quickly and how well the treatments were working. She had been scared to bring up breast expansion with him, but he had been really supported and even did a lot of research
“Daddy! Daddy! These headphones you got for me are amazing! Daddy! Daddy! Come fuck me please? Please please? Daddy, I hope my tits keep getting bigger, I think they grow every time I cum. Daddy, make me cum!”
Leah had a brief second of clarity before it was lost forever. She realized that it was the steam of the sauna that was taking hold of her mind and body. She remembered the way she had looked and acted even just ten minutes ago. She realized that it would
Susan could practically feel her Son’s Cock inside her now. She tested the heft and softness of her new huge tits between her arms. The pills had worked very quickly and she wasn’t exactly ready for the changes. She had expected them to increa
Joy let relief wash over her as she finally allowed herself to fantasize about her father. “Yes, Daddy, I told you,” she said to the empty room, “it’s been happening over the past few days. My boobies are getting huge and I’
“I, unh, I don’t really know what’s going on, hun,” my girlfriend said. My erection raged.“What do you mean?” I replied, trying my hardest to keep my cool.“Like, ever since I stopped listening to that birthday
Carla paused for a break. She didn’t remember this being such hard work before. She had been working for the Stelman family for many years, but the yard seemed bigger today. She felt less confident in her abilities and more confused. She pulled
“Do you love me now, Daddy? I did everything I could to please you and nothing made you happy. I got my Master’s and I rose up the ladder at work, but you didn’t seem impressed. You just grew more and more distant from me. I thought
“How’s that, Daddy? Big enough yet?”“Not yet, dummy,” I told my neighbour’s daughter. “Your biggest bra shouldn’t be close to fitting when you’re done. If you want to borrow my car without me telling
“How come I never noticed you were so sexy before, baby?”“Mommy? Wh-what’s happening?”“Mommy was snooping in your father’s personal things and found some naughty stuff, baby. It turns out that your father is a
Amy was trying to remember if this was normally how her dentist visits went. On one hand, she wasn’t sure why she should be naked, or even if her breasts had always been that size. On the other hand, she felt a strong urge to suck her dentist’
This whore was brought in by her father for the usual touch-ups. Decreased intelligence, increased sex drive, expanded chest, bigger eyes, and eager-to-please attitude. I personally would have got a different route with this one, but I had learned my
“Do I look different, Daddy?”I nearly dropped my phone. Of course my girlfriend looked different from the pretty but flat girl she used to be, and it was definitely the first time she had ever called me Daddy. The pills were supposed to slowly
Ben’s guilt disappeared with every thrust he made into his niece’s brand new cleavage. She had been over for a visit and had taken three bimbo pills thinking that they were vitamins. Ben was freaking out as he watched his sweet little niece&rs
“Yes Daddy, I started doing porn just like you said.”“Good girl, Lucie, and you’ll give me all the money?”“Of course, Daddy!”“Why is that, dummy?”“Because you always take care of me, Daddy! Remem
“What a fucking perv…” Lisa said as her last intelligent thought. She had figured out in the last moment what had been happening to her for the past hour. She must have not been willing to admit it to herself, but as the last vestige
“Bigger… and bigger…” Carol whispered into the empty room.She didn’t know it, but she had been on her bed staring at the ceiling for 16 hours now, slowly breathing in and out, the mist-filled air slowing filling her lungs
I had had enough. I had resolved to not use my powers like this anymore, but I was fed up with my guitar teacher. She consistently talked down to me, and never had anything encouraging to say. I know that doesn’t make it right, but she certainly
Anna was happy to tip the bell boy this way. Things just made way more sense recently after the seminar. She wondered why she was hesitant to go. She was sexier, hornier, and men liked her more. She had a feeling that there was a big Daddy Cock waiting
“Daddyyyyy,” my daughter said. I stood there in shock. How did-“I snooped in your drawers, Daddy,” she answered for me, “I dinnit know you had slut pills, Daddy!”“Um, I do, baby, but they weren’t meant for
“I took three more pills, Daddy!” The text from my ex-girlfriend said, “Can we get back together now?”I had no idea how I pulled this off, but I had to hold out a little while longer. She was still texting too competently, despite
“What’s happening, babe? Why are they growing so fast?”“It’s the food I made us, dummy. It’s going to make you dumb and busty and it’s going to make my Cock irresistible to you.”“B-but, why, why would
I stopped assfucking my Alpha the moment I got this text from my daughter. She had been in the care of the leader of the local League of Daddys, but it looked like the pregnancy was coming along extremely well. Her chest had expanded even further and
It was perfect. She didn’t even seem to notice her chest expanding. She had caught me staring, as I intended, and her look of disgust quickly turned into one of wonder, and then vapidity. Years of working on this technique had finally paid off.
“See, honey?” Barbara said, “these are Mommy’s new tits. I met a very nice man today who revealed to me that I’ve been living my life all wrong. If I want you to start acting your age, I needed to grow some big bimbo boobs
“Yes, what is it, Daddy?” “Nothing, dummy, I just wanted to take a look at your new face again before your show your brothers your big surprise. Are you excited to be the family slut?”“Of course, Daddy!”“Good
Sally had some idea that she should be unhappy with her situation, but for the life of her, she couldn’t figure out why. She knew she didn’t always have such giant tits, but every good slut should have big tits, right? And her father’s
Gretta and Meg couldn’t wait to show their uncle their new tits. He had always told them how far away from being real women they were and it always bothered them. Luckily they had met a really nice man who gave them these amazing supplements and
“That’s a good girl, show me those huge new tits,” I told the near-stranger. I couldn’t believe how well the sheets worked. I had taken this customer to the back to test out a mattress she was interested in. Or so she thought.