o3o (besidenmyart.tumblr.com)
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More B-con commissionsTook on quite a few commissions this year that I’m still steadily catching up on >3>’Got a few more left.
rockyhardwood: Only the best will do~ Collab with the lovely sidenart, Who colored the fuck out of rarity here! well, maybe not the entire fuck- she still seems ready for that ;D <3 Aww yissSo Rocky here presents to me this lovely drawing of Rayray
smol Ivory with attitude?YES :D
An art trade I made with Glacier at bronycon o3o! I drew her oc Wallflower, and of course I asked her to draw Cider and Ivory (wish I could take a better picture though >3>)Super cool artist, was really nice meeting you at the con!
Buncha’ Bronycon Commissions More to come.
Just a round a’ ciders between two best friends
People have been asking to see more of the others besides Sparkling Cider and Ivory, especially these two, so I’m going to try to place more focus on them as well.
shadowringslair:Prism WingSome more fanart for Sidenarts AU take on our favorite colorful horses! Make sure to check out the blog and give it a look! sidenart.tumblr.com/ Satisfactory, but I say a resounding A A as in Awesome ;vShadowring has come
Sure why not.I rather like how this one came out.
Working in the mines can be tiring.
ninchanyum: Fanart of Stardust Nova and Prism Wing, sidenart’s characters. Love theirs personalities, clothes, haircuts, everything napigkngaipnepg. Ooooo I am really liking the style here o3oThis is some excellent work Ninchanyum, and thank you so
On the other hand, I would totally buy Steven Universe toys or figures >3>
dshou:Commissioned by ytsejam58 AU Applejack “Sparkling Cider” by sidenartSparkling Cider is really pretty, I quite like Siden’s AU Mane6 it’s really nice owoY’all should totally buy a commission while I’m still open also aha - Whoa whoa
sidenart: mediconmontres: So I drew Sparkling Cider a while ago, but I wanted to draw all of Siden’s Alternate Universe cuties!SeperateCan’t have the main six without a group shot but this guy steps in to fix that.Thanks man, and awesome work!Maximum
jovalic:Quick sketch and color for Siden’s AU Twilight SparkleStardust Nova Love itJovalic is rockin it hard with the Novathank you :)
sidenart: shadowringslair: Fanart of Mystical Monster Hunter Stardust Nova. A AU Twilight Sparkle created by Sidenart which so seems super neat! Go and check it out! http://sidenart.tumblr.com/ :DDDDCheck out Stardust leaping into action! I was not
sidenart: loneless-art: I found the cutest human on earth .3.Fan art of Sparkling Cider, one of sidenart’s characters :3 Oh! A human version that’s new o3oWell pony or not she is still adorable here ^3^Thank you very much!
Long time coming but here it is at last folks. Hope it was worth it >3>’Despite being gifted at a young age (something she would always gloat about over others) this version of Twilight was denied acceptance into Celestia’s school for gifted
besidenmyart: Hoo boy did these two keep me a little occupied. That and well, Monster Hunter but, yeah, let’s get this ship rolling. Pinky, or whoever she is when I find a name for her, at first glance one might think “oh that’s pinkimena right
helloozzyg:sidenart‘s Ivory and Sparkling Cider both give me life.I love them. ;w; Whoa coolI really dig this style and the fact you pretty much got the characters down with but a few strokes of the pen that I find neat o3oThank you very much!
audraria: いいえ, that’s just ordinary applejackThis is Sparkling Cider: Oh snap o3oPeep this wicked doodle y’all woot woot Seriously though, this is lovely thanks for drawing it :)
Shenanigans, the epilogue.That’s all she wrote, at least for now ;p
liz-pls: Siden is awesome and his AU girlies are too adorable. <3 I must have finally done something right for a change, cause now this lovely person has graciously decided to draw these characters.No joke this is positively COSMICThank you so much
sidenart: acharmingpony: Sparkling Cider bust doodle. A Character from Siden (blog link). She cute. I find that I really like drawing Cider’s hair but I think I just found something I like even more…Seeing OTHER peoples renditions of her hair
captainbutteredmuffin: Anatomy practice with the lovely Sparkling Cider.This is only other Siden fanart I swear…maybe.I might have a slight crush on Cider. mmmm…dat short hair. CaptainCAPTAINAre you trying to overload my senses with all this ridiculousl
ytsedraws: Sparkling CiderBased off of Siden’s AU http://sidenart.tumblr.com/I love the alternate characters he’s come up with hopes he expands more on it. Oh my goodness more fanart >3>This time of Sparkling Cider! Living the fancy life!
Whelp. Looks like I’m making a print then o3o
sidenart: jonfawkes: Some fanart of Siden’s AU! OH ABSOLUTELY.I cannot tell you how amazing it is to see people drawing these two.Seriously man, much love to you this is awesome :D
I’m aware of the blurriness. Tumblr has a nasty habit of compressing images and I’m not sure how to fix it. However if you click the image, then open it in a new tab it works just fine on my end. If it’s not working please let me know and what
Directed by M. Night ShenanigansEDIT: Non-blurry, easier to read version at source -> LINK
sidenart: cowgirlrarity: Ivory and Sparkling Cider created by SidenOh my gosh look at how adorable this is.Look at it.Thank you so much :D
Shenanigans 3: Electric Boogaloo
The shenanigans continues.
Shenanigans. More to come.
“Oh hey sugarcube, how would you like to be the first to test out my new drink?~”Drawing these two always puts me in a good mood.
Hoo boy did these two keep me a little occupied. That and well, Monster Hunter but, yeah, let’s get this ship rolling. Pinky, or whoever she is when I find a name for her, at first glance one might think “oh that’s pinkimena right that&r
I’m just ah… I’m just gonna leave this here…She craves that mineral
sidenart:erysz:“Take a break”I just like Siden’s idea about an alternate universe :) In this world Applejack is the Rarity of the group.Here is a link if you want to read about. oh wow this needs to be on my blog yesterday :OReally
Outfit ideas I dunno.These are fun to do, hope you guys aren’t getting tired of it :v
sidenart: polywomple: space panda, commission Far out :o This is a commission of my character I’ve been wanting to get from this artist, I just adore that style. I also wanted to see this character drawn out by someone else before I start putting
More silly doodles of this silly au, this time with extended family.Okay so, Starting with the Apple Family, or in this case I would call them the Cider Family? This family was made for the city, always rearing to jump into the hustle and bustle with
An idea I’ve been playing around with, I got the idea from something I saw a long time ago that someone did but I forget who they were. The idea is an alternate universe where Rarity is the AJ of the group and vice versa. In this universe Rarity is
Little doodle thing, still based on this sweater because apparently I can’t get enough of it.A sweater Gardevoir can finally wear every once in a while :V
Casual Friday—– Based off this wonderfully absurd thing I stumbled across: LINK Sure you may have seen that whole open chest sweater craze but honestly I think this tops it in its silliness :p
Buncha Buns———-Yeah so, been getting back into pokemon lately and catching up with all the pokeymans I’ve missed out on over the years. First Gardy and now this bunny poke :v Fun bun to draw o3o
Mega Gardevoir and Shiny Mega Gardevoir———Love Gardevoirs design in general and mega evolution. Shiny mega evolution Gardy I find absolutely gorgeous :D
Year of the Ram—- To all my fellow Rams :)
Gonna be 2015 soon. Hmmm. Maybe I can be real with you guys here for a sec. I’m wasn’t entirely where I stood in terms of my artwork for a little while now. I don’t think I need to point out that more often than not recently I sort of drift, not
God I love these comics
Nothing like celebrating the holiday than with our favorite Queen :3Happy Halloween everyone!
Agent 6-TOH——— Commission for Ohn1ne
Razzle Dazzle———- Hey again, these images will also be a part of the Honeymoon folio that our friendly neighborhood artist Lizombie has in the works featuring all your favorite characters in very fashionable (though risque) wedding inspired lingerie!
Rabbit in the hat——– I did an art trade with 0r0 Here’s my piece :v
siquinox: And lastly, here is a sketch commission Siden did at this year’s Bronycon. It’s Rarity looking sharp. It looks great Siden. Thanks for drawing it. I’ll see you at the next con! This was the last commission I did at Bronycon, by the same
Wanna walk on clouds with me?———- Commission for phallen1