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gentleman-choiminho:“The weather has been getting warmer lately, maybe it would be good to go down.” He mused to the boy, nodding his head. “You still have that old thing? And yes,” His expression dropped, his lip even twitched.
The Fall
Tiffany Young
gentleman-choiminho:“I won’t be there with you - and it’s just a house. If he doesn’t want to go, then you don’t have to go. The offer stands though.” Minho replied, a hand running through his bangs. “That was the day we went
gentleman-choiminho: “Of course I do - you got stung by the jellyfish.” Minho smiled fondly at the memory, shifting gears to settle himself back at a consistent pace, his back rested into the groove of his seat. “I bought a cottage
gentleman-choiminho:Taemin was definitely talented at having the last word in arguments but Minho was not to let this topic slide so easily. He headed around the car to climb into his own seat, slotting the key in the ignition before buckling himself
gentleman-choiminho:pilotchoi-blog: “Taemin, if I had a good heart I wouldn’t have done half the things I did to everyone around me.” Minho replied in a firm tone, any teasing entirely lost on his voice. “You and I both know that
gentleman-choiminho:bae-min: “Sure, that sounds really good right now- though I’ll pay, I know time is money in a job like yours Minho” Taemin gave him a faint smile, tipping his head to the side. “Taemin, shut up, you know I’m
Everybodys Boyfriend
Mafia Princess
너를 위해
Kohai in the sheets.
stormbornvalkyrie:“We cannot behold the beauty of the blossoms enshrouded by haze – yet steal us their scent, at least, spring breezes blowing from the hills.” — Yoshimine no Munesada (816-90) {x}
Send me a ❣ for my muse's reaction to yours kissing mine while in the middle of a heated argument
fyjjong: idol sports day - 100914© kim brothers (do not edit or remove logo)
David Jones
I wonder...
you-are-my-family-now: …
Scars & Stripes
— Hot young stud looking for older female to go on adventures with, must be up for passionate and frequent love-making beneath the stars of the young night. Must be non-smoker and light drinker. Call 03-345654 if interested. –Minho.. What?
Exhale Bullshit
Unicorn Tears
Free your mind
bae-jjong:bae-min: YOU HAD YOUR CHANCE Two years. It’s been two years since we met and you still haven’t danced for me. Not even without knowing. I said I’d show you and you said no. I never forget, you said you didn’t need it. I practised
bae-jjong:bae-min:is this the reason why you won’t dance for me—NO OH MY GOD. THEN WHAT IS YOU HAD YOUR CHANCE
is this the reason why you won’t dance for me–NO OH MY GOD.
jonghyun - how to sell ice cream ….damn….
i'll breathe for you.
" she's Self Made "