A$AP TEE TEE (b-rights-ide.tumblr.com)
submit your pics
hoekage: the main thing i look forward to in life is raising dogs w/ someone i love
sleezed: a woman letting you see her naked is her trusting you to the fucking core. don’t take it for granted. something like that may be minor to you but to her. its everything..
the less i know the better
Delectatio Morosa
hotdaughter: choke me not sexually like actually kill me
but baby,
i don't want your conversation
rotition: Im looking for a tumblr girlfriend to make famous! Following everyone back :) <3
whavies: will someone go on a roadtrip with me and just drive, sing along to loud music, tell embarrassing stories to eachother, enjoy the world’s beauty and just be free and happy please
Walkies 🐶
Rôti grilled chicken with a Vietnamese style salad #chefTee #healthyeats
My chunky little monkey last month #goddaughter #aboutamonthago
his-deviance: “He looks kinda nice but will he choke me when we have sex” *Grin*
casualturnout: All I wanna do is listen to good music and have sex with you
lovelylor: I still die laughing everytime I see this scene
you are worth it
skyenv ❣️
Uh huh honey
thesuncameouttoplay: A whole heap of whitewash
extrovhert: sorry im poor i cant afford to pay attention
valentinabyvalentino: XFashion/Modern/Black/ValentinaX INSTA X I need these
The other day when my liner and brows were on fleek #dafuq
I can’t do anything about this and it makes me really fucking angry and sad, I feel so helpless in this situation but all I want to do is help
♕ King
Ugh so over everything
faithvsfate: biitch-craft: This is how my boyfriend and I sleep and it’s the greatest thing ever a moment of silence for his right arm
barebackinq: *runs out of breath while eating*
themaxdavis: Fresh.I.Am Holy Fukk Hat
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
Belated Christmas present from my nigga 😊 #soycandle #dreamcatchercandles #smellsamazing
#theargyle with bae #firsttime
nickelode0n: baby, i don’t care about your stomachor your legsor how big your boobs arei don’t care about you at allleave me alone
High @pekingduk #fieldday #pekingduk
‘Now nobody jump until we say jump ok?’- @pekingduk
love yourself
rubennfigueiredo: My mom say that everyone has a beautiful side. So I guess I’m a circle.
Homies #fieldday
Field Day with the homies #fieldday #ny2015
I cannot take this much longer
fraek: i love it when people try to hurt my feelings bc i don’t have any lmao
Sean O'Donnell
fuckoffcats: there are mean parents and then there are parents who switch off the wifi at night
scattered-teardrops: Follow for more relatable posts!
Tried this on three times until I finally decided to get it 😂