Talking is Cheap (
submit your pics
mxrln: Schloß Augustusburg, Brühl, Germany.
storyofthislife: i just want to sit in front of the ocean for a little while
Recht ist, was der proletarischen Klasse nützt.
Half naked cuddling & slow nasty tongue kissing needed now
Barfuß drückt dir selten der Schuh
Frostschutzmittel in der Tränendrüse
m-elankholiya: feaharn: Gernot Hassknecht über PEGIDA GERNOT HASSKNECHT FOR PRESIDENT!
new-k-2: Aroe-Tang!
artwhork: ur gonna die anyway so get that fucking tattoo ur parents and friends hate and eat whatever u want
psychotic-lesbian1996: keeppthevibe:Gay marriage and straight marriage is like bikini tops and bras: they’re the same exact thing but only one is socially acceptable in public. Boom
ggoal-digger: circle wave This is very calming Peaceful as fuck. Wow
Worte sind nur Luft
Dummkopf Mit Herz
lovely-mercy: 6ex-god: this line too real.
lorem ipsum
people who don’t get my sarcasm are just ugh
|The best or nothing|
rainerwahnsinn: AnnenMayKantereit | Berlin 2016 |
safelov: be good to people for no reason
eliated: She’s not the type of girl to wait by the phone, she won’t cry, she knows it’ll get her nowhere, she’ll laugh a lot and often, and she will live her own life. She would like you to be a part of it, but she will do just fine without you.
unknown memory
ifagrizzlycouldtalk: blainekatzman: im really mad at how accurate this is A moment of silence for our fallen bearded brother who sacrificed himself for the sake of this disgustingly accurate illustration.
pachatata: Davi Kopenawa, Shaman and leader of the Brazilian Yanomami.
rizmo1: HIKIDS I
lyzzystardust: thiefoftoast: nO NO NO NON O NO guys. It’s just sculpted accordion paper.
S'läuft bergauf
let-thebastards-sing: deathingly: abstracti0n: subwaywhore: It took the photographer who took this photo 8 hours to set up the camera in the centre of the venue so he could take this simple photo during Youngbloods in October 2013, pretty cool in
Sunflower Nymph
Welcome to my Blog!
gecmetric: grand canal // venice, italy
everything is love.
third-eyes: feedyourwanderlust: This is a yggdrasil tattoo I had done earlier this month. I thought you (or people who follow you) might appreciate it. beautiful! ✧
Rap rettet den Tag.
161afa: Die “Pegida München”-Stammkneipe “Casa Mia” (Implerstrasse 47, 81371 München), in die der rassistische Trupp seit Monaten regelmäßig nach den montäglichen Aufmärschen einkehrt, hat offenbar am Wochenende eine kostenlose Verschönerung
kippenflut: I don’t eat animals. I love animals.
selbstgerecht: Gestern protestierten mehr als eine halbe Million Menschen gegen die neuen Gesetze der französischen Regierung. Präsident François Hollande und Ministerpräsident Manuel Valls planen mit dem „Loi Khomri“ längere Arbeitszeiten