Justbeingme (asrael-vinaerys.tumblr.com)
submit your pics
boy-meets-life: Hottie of the day - bw button nose! Follow me on twitter https://twitter.com/aussi_boys to get all the hottest tumbles :)
Bottoms on top!
Trizomu & No-Ve
Beautiful Creatures, Stunning Places
nakedguyselfies: nakedguyselfies.tumblr.com You’re probably to busy jerking off but if not you should follow me here But Seriously For More hot guys follow Naked Guy Selfies! Or Email Your Dirty Shots to n-kedguyselfiestumblr@live.com
therealchriseli: i get bored and take weird pictures sometimes lol! like if you get bored easy! reblog if your bored right now and ill ask you questions! ^0^
therealchriseli: Here you go, me and mys sister. :) love you guys <3 LIKE if your in a happy relationship :) (lucky) RE-BLOG if your single… like me ;) (Msg Me)
therealchriseli: Hey guys! just got back from the beach! LIKE if you would rather stay home… RE-BLOG if you Love the beach! Like me ^.^
therealchriseli: how much do you guys like me :)? Like if you kinda like me… Re-blog if you realy like me! Do both if you absolutely LOVE me <3
therealchriseli: here its is ;p but uhh. at 2000 followers ill take one with my face haha Like if you think i have a nice body Share if you think its a sexy body ;* Do Both if you think its an amazing body <3.<3
therealchriseli: I knew that when school started i would really miss summer. LIKE if your happy to be back in school… :| SHARE if you wish it was still summer. :P DO BOTH if you wish it was summer all the time! ;D
therealchriseli: when i feel alone i like to take pictures. cuz my fans make me feel like someone else. SHARE me babys <3
therealchriseli: OMG! i love lip biting! could’nt live without it… LIKE if you love lip biting! SHARE if you would kiss me ;) then msg me.
mentaljumpingjacks: I will wait, I will wait for you.
Twinks and Twunks
Sam loves dick
krabbelgruppe: www.HighProtected.com
immortal-adolescents: I look horrible i know but this is my boyfriend Billy. No homo
Soaring Eagle's Views
Boiz Jungle
kylegver4: http://KylegVer4.tumblr.com/
Devils In The Details
cuteboycrush: Beautiful <3
vferre: myhill
ebodamen: sbastien: Guillem by Sbastien
Christopher's Obsessions
robertferron: © Robert Ferron 2013 / Model: Olivier Bernier / Agency: dulcedo
My Adventures
Cute Emo Guys
elijahwt: Follow me for more SexyBoys…
Male Body: A work of Art
reveur69: uau!