Shooting Across Time and Space! (
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Doctor Who Rewatch: (2x7) The Idiot’s Lantern “You goin’ my way, doll?” “Is there any other way to go, daddy-o?”
sooomanyfandomssolittletime:Celebrating New Who: Favorite SeriesSeason Four
blueboxtraveller:Nine + bananasrequested by when-fear-and-dream-must-collide
kai-art: Rose as a Gryffindor. Which houses do you guys think the others would be in?
skyvalkers: Rose Tyler
the doctor(s) + being adorably excited (requested by snazzytimelord)
heartbreakingtennant: David Tennant Appreciation Week↳ Favourite Non-DW Role: Casanova (2005)
For reals a hiatus.
badwolfrun:“He’s got a point, you know” // “Oh, Jethro, not you.”“Now, if you care to listen to my good friend Dee Dee.” // “I’m sorry, Doctor, I want to go home, I want to be safe.”
faceofeleven: is there ever that one roleplay partner that when you see them come online, you just silently sit there like come on we have a thing do the thing
please don't be intimidated by me, I'm a fucking dork
Tick, tock...
TO ALL OF YOU WONDERFUL MUN’S THAT PLAY FEMALE MUSES: i love you. you are wonderful. the difference in attention that male muses get compared to female one’s is absolutely disgusting and intolerable. ladies deserve love. they deserve attention. ladies
timeandspacegifs: you marvel at her beauty, but you glance at her storm [x]
A different Ending
Peter Vincent
roleplayerxshoutouts: “I will always give thanks to all of my followers, as they all bring me joy. They all deal with my good times and bad, and try to help me however they can, and that is something I must be grateful for.”
00:00:00 || petervincentmasterofdarkness & arkytiorthebadwolf
Happy Birthday arkytiorthebadwolf
The Void Wolf
starsofpond:People fall in love in m y s t e r i o u s ways, maybe it’s all part of a plan.
fayegreener: Send me two characters/shows/ships/anything and I’ll tell you through a gifset which one I prefer titan-in-a-tardis asked RosexTen or ClaraxEleven
timesvigilante: “Oh you are a feisty one.” “If it wasn’t 1966 I’d show you just how feisty I am.”
distantrose: [x]
differentfacesameman: roleplayerxshoutouts:“Shoutout to differentfacesameman. She’s the friendliest, most supportive and innovative mun with a fabulous imagination and keenness to make others happy. I completely admire her and heartily recommend
The Rogue
ivydoor:All right both of you, answer me this. When I last stood on this beach—on the worst day of my life—what was the last thing you said to me? Go on, say it. for wonderlandleighleigh
Hello, I'm the Doctor
tenrose-s: David Tennant Appreciation Week:Day 05- Favorite Friendship: David Tennant and Billie PiperDT: [Billie’s] one of the most wonderful human beings there’s ever been.
reblog if you've got the sweetest followers and you appreciate each and every one
fayegreener: Send me two characters/shows/ships/anything and I’ll tell you through a gifset which one I prefer pouahhh asked Rose Tyler or Gwen Cooper?
Rose and Mellie
Saving Defender Rose// Closed for Arkytiorthebadwolf
differentfacesameman: “Weeeeeeeell this is an idea I can really get behind. Or in front of, or rather get it in front of me.” His grin quirked at her as he continued to enjoy the view. “Plus you can’t go wrong with banana pancakes.”He
Swept Up By a Surprise!
ofspacecurls: ❝ You’re acting like you don’t really want to go. Remember, this was
How to care for the Doctor ~ By Rose Tyler
ofspacecurls “ It was either that of the despicable cop costume. You would be more… obvious in that than you would have in this cute
who-lligan: “He knew. He knew you could never leave him.” The Dalek Invasion of Earth x Journey’s End
targaryen-of-gallifrey: Elisabeth Sladen passed away four years ago today. Gone but not forgotten. Rest in Peace (01.02.1946 - 19.04.2011)
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gingerandjazz: Favorite Doctor Who episodes - Davies Era
timesvigilante:Ace knit her brow, staring hard at this Rose girl. “Ain’t never met no-one from the Professor’s future.” She shifted from one foot to the other, and looked to the floor. It took her a minute to settle on just how she felt about
spaceoswald: doctor who episodes → the end of the world
We’re all capable of the most incredible change.
whatisthepointofyouhardy: The Idiot’s Lantern reunion
Martha Jones.
hesaidonlyoneword-run mentioned you in a photo “He’s a sensitive soul vampking-charmer before-angels and…”…he’s too adorable…Peter kills arkytiorthebadwolf tf2chef enjoys some tunesscarlettraveler…[ Well that’s kind of rude of
dreamsofpetesworld: I’m unique. Never been another like me.
artyfartytimeywimey:The Doctors Ink on Paper Drawings by Coll Hamilton