LowLayingLand (aku2.tumblr.com)
submit your pics
I found my first Pokemon software full set that I bought about 15years ago.
water witchdson
Eee… What do you do when you find a person whose art style you like very much, but his otp is your hate ship… haha plz forget what i just said.
I need Jaspis あの、うん、サーセン、その、ついった複アカ作ろうかな・・・
I tried but failed. Because there are too many gems! I drew Jasper with tiger art instead of that… (^人^;)
haha i drop this subject.
I…I just woke up now. Saturday 6 am… Cartoon network makes me get up perfectly… ていうかマラカイトめっちゃ強いよ!!何その武器総力戦!滾るわ!!スプリットオフしたけどジャスパーどうしたんや!!マラカイトよくあんだけされるまで分離しねえな!!愛か!くそ!ジャスパーどしたんや!!!
drawendo: http://www.cartoonnetwork.co.uk/videos/steven-universe-giant-fight-steven-universe-cartoon-networkhttp://www.cartoonnetwork.co.uk/videos/steven-universe-spaceship-smashdown-steven-universe-cartoon-network OH MY GOD, oh. my. GOD あああああああああ
promptplease: Likes are nice Reblogs help a lot to get a bigger audience Compliments in the tags are super sweet Follows are hella rad Ask responses to drawing challenges/memes are always appreciated Shout Outs are super helpful
I found so cool pearlnet fan fictions! I’ve read all of her works. I wanna recommend them to someone but they are nsfw, little offensive, and besides, they are written in Japanese. If that’s all right with you, let’s go Pixiv. I love them.
What’s the anagram of “Defective Pearl”? It’s “A Perfected Evil”.There’s no meaning ┐(´ー`)┌
melancholic Pearl things
i watched black lagoon
lapicat and j
Feb 22 is cat day in Japan
winging comic 3 - 4HELP ME GOOGLE TRANSLATORi hope this will be pearlapis comic heeeheeeee…
winging comic 1 - 2I’m thinking about next now.
i feel low. tried.
Is it valentine’s day today? NO, today is Fundoshi day.http://japan-fundoshi.jimdo.com/english/
quick pearlmethyst bomb day2
quick pearlmethyst bomb day1
Does pearlmethyst bomb start on February 12? Today…?
なんで噛まないの?template from 抹茶based on this→http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=5317007
Diamond×BP and Diamond×YP(推定5m近い原色肌女のエロを出すと自分が諸々を超越した感じがする。)
ラピ スティdoodle
journ-loves-su: My first stream went great! Thanks to everyone who came <3 hug meeeeeeee
mmeyamo: Butler AU?¿?¿?¿ この、タイのたわみ、わかりますかね・・・?最高じゃないですか・・・
my cat and mesometimes I lost my intelligence
“Where did you get it in the first place…?”
yasagure Lapis with military uniform
kdubzart: things I want from the inevitable jasper & lapis return arc: jasper learns how to be kind, lapis learns how to forgive, they lowkey hate each other anyway
military uniform Jasper
formal style Jasper
I’m trying to convince myself.
Hello sweet baby, you killed me.
mimicteixeira: FALLING STAR XI PART TWO you can get the previous 10 pages HERE is a pay what you want purchase, so you can get it for free, but any help is incredible apreciated, it helps me to keep going with this comic, thanks a lot for you all twho