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Good Girl
jonsnowsource: Jon Snow avenged the Red Wedding. He is the White Wolf. The King in the North!
Hopeless Romantic
iheartgot: We’re gonna take back the Iron Islands.
iheartgot: #lyanna mormont’s stink eye
youmightbeamisogynist: currentuser: milkteasympathy: CLOTHING LIFE HACKS My mother taught me all of this, I then promptly forgot. Reblogging because im a fucking adult & need this information. Personally reblogging because the drawer idea is
suicide is my father
gratidoes: 😍😍😍
Avril Lavigne
dayenerystargaryen: A little lady shouldn’t play with swords.I wasn’t playing. And I don’t want to be a lady.for @rvenclaws <3
ibuzoo: Nina Zenik for @nehmesis “Do not bend,” Nina snapped. “Do not leap. Do not move abruptly. If you don’t promise to take it easy, I’ll slow your heart and keep you in a coma until I can be sure you’ve recovered fully.“
marvel-boys: Chris Evans for Esquire Middle East, April 2016
ragecomics4you: Good intentions…
for the record, i am your knight in shining whatever.
acciopotterworld: The Potters / The Granger-Weasleys / The Malfoys
The slow dance of the infinite stars
drouxer: Só responde isso kkkkk
rcvenoctavia: grey’s anatomy ladies · meredith grey
Viva Para Amar
yoncehaunted:Ten times out of nine, I know you’re lying. But nine times outta ten, I know you’re trying. So I’m trying to be fair, and you’re trying to be there and to care.And you’re caught up in your permanent emotions. All the loving I’ve
patriciawalkerd: 05.03 / 06.06
xmarystuart: “I would die for you” ~Francis Valois
fraser-grey: #Every time you see drama on twitter or tumblr
i fucking love this song
queenrhaenyra: → “I am asking you, as Frenchmen, to make the right choice today. Catherine is still your queen, France is still your country, your home, as it has been mine since I was a child, this is our country!”
foundingfuckboys: 7 heartwarming scenes: Zola comes home Derek Shepherd: We’ll be okay, just the two of us. It’s what you want. Meredith Grey: I love you.
kitsn0w: “I’m not a god.”